South Veterans Parkway Program Management

south veterans parkway sioux falls rendering

South Veterans Parkway Program Management

Delivering the First Transportation Program Management in South Dakota

South Dakota and the City of Sioux Falls envisioned the need for a new highway corridor on the eastern edge of the city as far back as 1995. In the decades since, increased traffic has further emphasized the need to establish a route that alleviates city center congestion by diverting traffic to the outer regions of the city.

In 2021, the South Dakota Department of Transportation selected HDR to provide program management for the South Veterans Parkway, which will complete Veterans Parkway and connect I-29 and I-90. The $210 million effort is the first in the state to use a program management approach.

Efficient Program Management for Highways

SDDOT and the City of Sioux Falls desired to accelerate the timeline for construction of this vital corridor, which would require significant time and oversight. SDDOT recognized the need for a partner to assist with oversight of such a substantial undertaking. Using a program management approach on this major effort has allowed the state to continue delivering its normal list of projects while maintaining review of the South Veterans Parkway progress. Finishing the project on time is important to stakeholders and, with limited SDDOT and City of Sioux Falls staff availability, the alternative to a program manager — hiring multiple consultants to deliver different services — would have made delivering the project within the required timeline very difficult.

An 8.5-mile, six-lane divided highway, the new road will also include a shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists. Construction has been split into four project segments to match funding availability. The HDR team has provided environmental services, real estate acquisition, data collection, strategic communications and preliminary and final design services for the entire length of the corridor.

HDR’s program management work continues a long history of delivering quality work in the Sioux Falls area and demonstrates a proven partnership with SDDOT. Our work dates back to 2005, starting with planning efforts to preserve the corridor. HDR’s professionals later performed preliminary design work in 2009 and updated the environmental assessment in 2012. Over the last decade, we have been called in to review development plats in the corridor to verify their compliance with the South Veterans Parkway plan. SDDOT recognized our local team’s familiarity with the corridor, and HDR’s capability as a national firm to draw in additional support. This combination made HDR an ideal teaming partner to assist with managing this important project.

Prior Veterans Parkway Design Success

From 2014 to 2019, HDR completed final design plans and right-of-way acquisition for three separate Veterans Parkway projects at the north end of the corridor. The total length of these projects was 3.6 miles with a constructed value of $77.6 million. All projects were completed on schedule.

Intersection Design

In addition to oversight of the entire South Veterans Parkway program for SDDOT, HDR is also designing the arterial intersections for the City of Sioux Falls that will connect with the new road approximately every mile. Our teams are performing Section 404 permitting, real estate services, and preliminary and final design. Performing the services at the same time as the South Veterans Parkway work will enable arterials to be constructed or reconstructed at a similar schedule. Parallel construction of the arterials and new road provides multiple benefits to the traveling public, including fewer detours and more efficient construction timelines.

south veterans parkway sioux falls rendering
South Dakota Department of Transportation

Sioux Falls, SD
United States

Environmental Impact Analysis
Environmental Measurements
Strategic Communications
Data Acquisition