Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District

Beneficial Reuse Supports Water Supply Resilience

Securing Water Needs Through Beneficial Reuse

A beneficial reuse program offers an array of opportunities to manage water, wastewater and stormwater in your community cost-effectively. Investments in reuse infrastructure can offset more expensive future water and wastewater capital improvement projects by:

  • augmenting local water supplies;
  • protecting existing groundwater reserves; 
  • reducing discharges of treated wastewater or stormwater;
  • complying with Clean Water Act regulations;
  • improving water quality in watersheds; and
  • enhancing water conservation practices.

Our team offers state-of-the-art practices and tools, whether you are determining the feasibility of a water reuse program or providing service to existing recycled water customers. Our market assessment and hydraulic models can drive data-driven and defensible infrastructure planning, innovative approaches, advanced treatment technology and asset management strategies.

We have worked with municipal, industrial and private clients across the United States to evaluate, design, and implement programs customized to unique system conditions and requirements; and look forward to helping you embrace a One Water portfolio.

Meet our leaders

Jeff Hansen
Utility Management Services Lead
Ryan Messer
Project Manager
Leanne Hammond
Water/Wastewater Utility Planning Lead
James Dwyer
Christina Alito
One Water Institute Lead
Ty Morton
Senior Project Manager
Dan Sampson
Principal Technical Consultant
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