Eastwood Mixed-Use

Eastwood Mixed-Use
This mixed used development with 450 apartments and 13,000 square metres of retail is set to enliven Eastwood Town Centre, enhancing the synergetic possibilities to create a new social anchor for work, live, eat and play.
The design considers both urban and human perspectives, seamlessly connecting public spaces and creating a vibrant sense of community flow through the town centre. Two new walkways connect a reinvigorated Rowe Street Mall with Rutledge Street and an ultra-modern open air shopping promenade, known as Market Hall, transforms into a first class Eat Street by night.
A singular landscape integrates the whole town centre, adding to the creation of community. The hanging garden at the centre of the development works as a filter between the busy retail levels and the upper levels and acts as a recreation space for the public and for residents. Rooftop gardens create special vistas and experiences for residents.