Road Asset Management Contracts (RAMC) Projects

Road Asset Management Contracts (RAMC) Projects
HDR was engaged by the Asset Manager (Downer Mouchel) to provide pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing advice and design services for the North Cost Region on the Road Asset Management Contract (RAMC) for the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR).
HDR was responsible for the management, coordination and review of the pavement analysis and designs for the annual program of rehabilitation works. This included the assessment, design and documentation of pavement rehabilitation projects which varied from a reseal to full reconstruction.
The scope of HDR services included:
- Management, coordination and review of the pavement analysis and designs for the annual program of rehabilitation works
- Providing pavement assessment and analysis along with pavement design services
- Visual assessment of each site and mapping the distress of the pavement
- Analysis and collation of deflection data, ARMIS data and visual assessment data to inform the cause and mechanism of distress
- Documentation of assessment and proposed remedial measures ensuring alignment with the client’s budgets and operational requirements