Participants kayak with Rocky Mountain Adaptive

HDR Foundation Grant Application Process

Thinking of Applying for a Grant?

Every HDR Foundation grant begins with an employee with a cause close to their heart. 

Michelle Parratt is a senior project manager in our Calgary, Alberta, office. Volunteering with the Rocky Mountain Adaptive summer kayaking program combines her love of the outdoors with her desire to help people in the Canmore community where she lives.

RMA provides more than 2,000 adaptive mountain sports opportunities to people of all ability levels each year, including kayaking, biking, hiking and skiing. Two HDR Canada Fund grants will support the purchase of new adaptive kayak equipment and adaptive children's bicycles, helping to offer those experiences to even more people in Alberta.

Rocky Mountain Adaptive

What We Support

Through the HDR Canada Fund, we seek to fund charitable organizations located in the communities where our employees live and work. In Canada, please review this list of eligible charities (donees).

We provide funding for discrete projects that show promise for lasting impact and meet the following criteria:

  • Current HDR employee engagement and service
  • Quantifiable outcomes
  • Measurable impacts
  • Clear scopes of work
  • Detailed budget information
  • Activities that are sustainable beyond the grant term

For more information, please contact us at HDRFoundation [at] (HDRFoundation[at]hdrinc[dot]com).

How We Make Grants

What You Need to Complete the Application

  • Proof of eligibility status: A copy of your organization’s Charitable Reg. No. , in compliance with subsection 149.1(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada)
  • Your organization’s most recent audited financial statement 
  • Your organization’s annual operational budget
  • A completed itemized project budget form (provided in our grant application system)
  • A completed HDR employee sponsor form (provided in our grant application system)
  • A letter of support from an HDR employee sponsor
  • A summary of the project, demonstrated need statement, population served and anticipated outcomes

What We Can't Fund

  • Grants to individuals, including scholarships 
  • Grants to organizations that have any pending issue that may result in a change to current tax exempt status
  • Operational support, including salary, wages or any compensation to consultants, contractors or advisors. For more information visit,
  • Grants to faith-based institutions or institutions with a faith-based mission
  • Grants to organizations dedicated to the welfare of domesticated animals
  • Advocacy
  • Travel support
  • Capital campaigns
  • Grants to pass-through organizations, endowments, community foundations, rotaries and operating foundations
  • Sponsorships, conferences or prizes

2024 Grant Application Schedule

HDR Canada Fund Grant Cycle

Application cycle now closed.
Grants announced: July 2024