Urban Redevelopment
Repurposing vacant or underutilized land invites new life into urban and suburban landscapes.
Redeveloped sites give economic development a foothold, and empower communities to reimagine and sustainably direct growth. We help transform blighted or trapped lands to make revitalization of these spaces possible.
Successful redevelopment and infill projects require a vision to create something new and the knowledge and experience to deliver it. We specialize in reinventing land by emphasizing all elements of a sustainable approach: natural systems, built form, social fabric and economic viability. And we have the project resources, talent and depth of experience to create the pathway to success.
Value Through Smart Delivery
Our collaborative and comprehensive approach identifies practical solutions to each phase of development. And our teams include not only planners, architects and engineers, but also experts in economic development, financial analysis, remediation and restoration, multi-modal transportation, and alternative delivery. Collectively, we work with public and private clients, ranging from economic development agencies, redevelopment authorities, and municipalities to institutional organizations, corporations and developers, to deliver projects that transform communities and bring multiple benefits to multiple parties.