Kumsheen K-12 Conversion

Kumsheen K-12 Conversion
With the need for an amalgamated building between elementary and secondary school, School District 74 turned to HDR to combine the programs with a renovation of the existing secondary school. Our team provided cost estimates and conceptual designs to meet the project budget and obtain approval, before providing full architectural services, programming and interior design for the facility.
As is typical in many schools in British Columbia, the building featured extensive unreinforced masonry construction, which called for replacement and reinforcement. Renovations to existing classrooms and science laboratories were included to upgrade teaching and learning, along with a new open learning commons space to encourage informal learning, collaboration and imagination. Also, a new bay window, mass timber entry canopies and an outdoor gathering space highlight the school’s connection to nature and the surrounding environment.
Mechanical and plumbing upgrades included new plumbing fixtures and the refurbishing of an existing HVAC system, along with a new fire suppression system to ensure safety and code compliance. Facility power was upgraded to new BC hydro standards and featured new light fixtures and power sources in the renovation area to serve current needs.