Lakeshore Connecting Communities Transportation Plan

Section 7a Rendering | Mississauga’s Lakeshore Road Corridor

Lakeshore Connecting Communities Transportation Plan

Mississauga’s Lakeshore Road Corridor is a vital transportation route for the tens of thousands of people who live and work in the area and depend on it for their daily commute. Routed in picturesque and historic villages of Clarkson, Port Credit and Lakeview, this 13 kilometre corridor is expected to grow by 56,000 people and 16,500 jobs by 2041 based on proposed developments. To prepare for this rapid growth, the City of Mississauga selected HDR to develop the Lakeshore Connecting Communities Transportation Plan.

The master plan’s long-term vision recognized that with limited opportunity to increase vehicular capacity, a complete streets approach was needed that encouraged active transportation and public transit. Ultimately, the plan recommended new fully separated bike lanes along the entire length of the corridor and transit service enhancements, including more frequent express bus service, transit signal upgrades at key intersections and construction of dedicated transit lanes in a segment of the corridor.

Approved by the Mississauga City Council in 2019, this study followed the master planning process described in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015). The project involved multi-modal transportation planning, urban design, and land use planning. The Master Plan process satisfied Phases I (Identify Problem and Opportunity) and II (Identify and Evaluate Alternative Solutions to the Problem or Opportunity) of the Municipal Class EA process.

The Institute of Transportation Engineers Toronto Section selected Lakeshore Connection Communities - Lakeshore Road Transportation Master Plan as the 2019 Project of the Year.

Section 7a Rendering | Mississauga’s Lakeshore Road Corridor
City of Mississauga

Mississauga, ON

Transportation Planning