program management directors on construction site

Program Management

A Program Management Practice Anchored Around Partnership, Adaptability and Best Value

Aging infrastructure, climate change, funding constraints, and water shortages are just a few of the challenges we face today. Despite these circumstances, our clients are committed and working hard to achieve their strategic visions and make our homes better places to live. For over 100 years, we have stood shoulder to shoulder with our neighbors, clients, and communities to meet the moment.

At HDR, our program management practice is fueled by our desire to serve you long-term, helping you reach your overarching strategic goals and forge new frontiers. We are accomplished program managers with a long track record of successful delivery — we are nimble and are constantly adapting to our ever-changing world, just like you.

HDR program management map and statistics. Ranked number 8 by Engineering News-Record.

Our team’s diversity of thought and knowledge allows us to be creative in how we approach Program Management. We are subject-matter experts in a wide range of fields, allowing us to build program teams with extensive expertise across many disciplines, giving you the comprehensive and integrated solutions only we can provide. You trust us and come back to us, again and again, to deliver on your programs, and we quickly become part of your families. We take pride in what we do and how we help you overcome your various challenges.

Program Management Services

Program Services

Program Framework

  • Governance Structure
  • PMO Mobilization
  • Program and Team Chartering
  • Program Management Plan
  • Program Organization and Resources Plan

Program Administration

  • Change Management
  • Cost Estimating
  • Document Management
  • Program Controls
    • Cost Management
    • Earned Value Management
    • Reporting
    • Schedule Management
    • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Program Tools
    • Collaboration Site/Portal
    • Dashboard Analytics
    • IT Setup/Systems Integration
    • PMIS/CMIS/Other Delivery Tools
  • Quality Management
  • Risk Management

Program Delivery

  • Construction Management
    • Claims Management and Forensics
    • Construction Planning
    • Contract Administration
    • Dispute Resolution
    • Field/Factory Inspections
  • Planning and Design Management
    • Conceptual Engineering
    • Design Integration/Reviews
    • Design Standards/Guidelines
    • Master Planning
    • Value Engineering
  • Program Delivery Strategy
    • Delivery Methods Selection
    • Project Packaging/Sequencing
    • Scope Validation/Definition
  • Project Management and Delivery

Program Support

  • Capital Planning, Economics and Financial Support
  • Community & Stakeholder Engagement
    • Equity and Social Impacts
    • Strategic Communication
  • Data Acquisition, Management and Analysis 
  • Environmental Management
    • Environmental Justice Assessment
    • Environmental Monitoring/Compliance
    • Environmental Permitting
    • Environmental Review/Planning
  • Health and Safety Support
  • Operations Support
    • Asset Management
    • Asset Onboarding
    • Condition Assessment
    • Operational Optimization
    • Operational Readiness
    • Testing/Startup/Commissioning 
  • Organizational Strengthening
  • Procurement and Contracting Support
  • Real Estate and ROW
  • Regulatory and Permitting Support
  • Small Business and Workforce Development
  • Sustainability and Resiliency

What Sets Our Program Management Practice Apart From Others in the Industry

Our Commitment

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For us, it's personal.

Our program management practice, like our unique employee-ownership model, is built on the idea that we are better together. We are committed to you as people first. We have the capability to offer solutions, optimize program delivery, and make consequential decisions, but our Program Management practice is built on trust and relationships above anything else. 

We band together with you and constantly collaborate to ensure we are speaking the same language and working toward the same goal because your success is our success. We can anticipate your needs and what lies around the corner — because we know you, listen to you, work with you, and view you as our partner. Together, we bring programs from the drawing board to life. 

Our Distinction

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An unrivaled selection of services to meet our clients’ specific needs. 

What sets us apart is the depth and breadth of our program services. Our program management practice is absolutely a one-stop shop. Our powerhouse team, whose expertise spans across disciplines, can execute all aspects of your programs effectively. From project delivery to construction management, regardless of your needs and program size, complexity, and implementation phase, we are ready to join forces with you.

We also understand that each client and program is different. Our program management practice caters to each client and program uniquely, building the right team and creating a framework tailored to you and your needs. Whether you are looking for reinforcement in a few targeted areas or want a partner by your side to help guide your program implementation efforts, we’ll meet you wherever you are.

Our Approach

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We are always evolving, adapting and driving to bring you the best value.

The pressure on our clients to do more with less continues to increase. Foundational to our management approach is our steadfast engagement to bring you the best value. We are partners who work in lockstep with your team to deliver quickly and efficiently, always mindful of your constraints and always looking for opportunities to stretch your investments. We also raise the value of our services by:

  • Right-sizing the processes and tools we tailor for each program 
  • Mitigating delivery risks, facilitating timely data-informed decisions, and driving execution efficiency and quality
  • Providing sustainable solutions that will serve you well beyond program completion
  • Building a legacy of excellence that will strengthen your organization
  • Adapting to change and constantly learning, so we can continue to pioneer the way ahead and envision pathways to make you successful

Contact Us

Start a conversation about program management or request a webinar.