2015 HDR Foundation Grants
Large Grants
Lower Merion Conservancy | Gladwyne, Pennsylvania
The $29,000 grant will be used to purchase three probes that will help to establish a long-term water quality monitoring system for Mill Creek. The Conservancy has a chance to make a difference to the drinking water that supplies more than 17 million people in the watershed.
Engineers Without Borders | San Diego, California
Projects in the India program specifically focus on potable water supply and structural work, which are areas of engineering that HDR performs globally for our clients. The $60,675 in funding will go toward water treatment, housing, rainwater harvesting and latrines in India.
Green Empowerment | Portland, Oregon
We are supporting the continuation of water and energy projects in Nicaragua. The $77,895 grant will be spread over three years and funds will cover project equipment costs for installation of solar powered water pumping projects, solar home systems, patio gardens and improved cook stoves.
GRID Alternatives | Denver, Colorado
The organization provides low-income households access to the financial, environmental and employment benefits of solar electricity. The $20,000 grant will help add to a large solar farm that directly benefits low-income households. Along with that, twenty HDR employees will volunteer to install a solar system on a household as part of the program.
Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics | Hartsville, South Carolina
The Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics offers a virtual Accelerate engineering program to cultivate the next generation of creative engineers and technical leaders by offering motivated 10th, 11th and 12th grade students an innovative and accelerated path toward achieving college engineering degrees. The $22,530 grant will help with the purchase STEM materials for the program’s lesson plans.
Small Grants
Junior League of Phoenix | Phoenix, Arizona
Raising Our Children’s Knowledge by Educating Through Science (ROCKETS) reaches preschool and early elementary school children in low-income and underprivileged communities. The innovative program works to empower young students to be inspired by careers in STEM, which is how the $9,350 grant will be used.
Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners | Spokane, Washington
The Minor Home Repair program prioritizes low-income households with elderly inhabitants, residents with disabilities and families with young children. The HDR Foundation will donate $10,000 to help with their tangible projects.
Blood Bank of Alaska, Inc. | Anchorage, Alaska
The $14,500 will assist with the replacement of an older bloodmobile with new midsize coach. Use of a smaller coach will help to reduce the costs associated with conducting blood drives as well as enhance the ability to collect a wider variety of blood types.
Salish Sea Expeditions | Bainbridge Island, Washington
Salish Sea Expeditions will design and install a caged “carousel” style system of oceanographic water quality monitors, purchased with the $15,000 grant. The gear will enable students to conduct more accurate and sophisticated projects and will allow staff to establish accurate data. Program serves 700 (grades 5-12) students annually.
Three Rivers Mothers’ Milk Bank | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The newly founded organization provides medically fragile infants (primarily in NICU setting) in Pennsylvania and West Virginia with pasteurized milk from screened donors when mother’s own milk is not available. The $15,000 grant will be used to purchase three commercial-grade freezers and a temperature monitoring system.