HDR's Ed Kane Promoted to Transportation O&M Facilities Design Director

Ed Kane has been named HDR’s transportation operations and maintenance facilities design director.
Based in Charleston, South Carolina, Kane will provide strategic leadership for our facilities design services organization and develop strategic visions and tactical plans to support the growth of the practice and technical capabilities of our staff. While Kane will be focused on transportation, he will also provide assistance to other programs to support client’s O&M facility needs. He will use his more than three decades of experience to support decision-making during the critical programming, planning, design and operational stages.
With a diverse background in construction and business management, Kane brings a broad range of experience building strong client relationships and making sound strategic decisions. He has a proven track record of successfully implementing large-scale, complex projects and programs. His contributions have been vital on vehicle maintenance facilities constructed or under design across North America, including in Detroit, Austin, Memphis, Denver, Seattle and more.
As agencies transition or upgrade their vehicle fleets, many are encountering a need for new O&M facilities to service their vehicles. A particular focus in recent years has been a trend toward electrification that requires new facilities and solutions. Kane and our team of specialized O&M professionals provide important guidance to help clients — whether transit agencies, airports, municipal or federal government or others — upgrade their work environments to meet current needs, enhance worker safety and optimize their operations.
“The design of operations and maintenance facilities is an important holistic service we provide HDR’s clients, and I am excited to have Ed in this role,” said HDR Transportation Planning and Design Director Andy Lauzier. “His experience and leadership will help us continue to build on our ability to serve our clients and communities and put HDR on the forefront of O&M facilities planning and design.”