Central Park Redevelopment Plan

Central Park Redevelopment Plan
Recycling a Former Airport into Denver’s New Transit-Oriented Neighborhood
When the citizens of Denver, Colorado, demanded that the redevelopment of their city’s old airport be a model of sustainability, HDR | Calthorpe was asked by the project’s developer to masterplan the site. At more than 4,700 acres, the transformation of Stapleton Airport into a mixed-use urban infill community is one of the nation’s largest redevelopment projects.
Working with a team of nationally-known consultants, our experts gave form to a project that sets new standards of environmental responsibility for the Denver region. Instead of the sprawling single-use tracts so common in new development, Stapleton is made up of a series of distinct transit-oriented neighborhoods, each defined by narrow, pedestrian-scale streets and a vigorous mix of office, retail, civic and residential uses. Pocket parks and regional open spaces are located in each neighborhood, allowing for plenty of green respite and recreational spaces throughout the development. The plan preserves and links sensitive habitats, recycles airport materials such as runway concrete and asphalt, and increases development intensity around a planned light rail stop. The result is a more sustainable “15-minute city” where most needs and desires are met within a short walking distance.
Pedestrian Friendly Architecture
All residential buildings at Stapleton have front porches, balconies, varied massing and other special design features to enhance the attractiveness of the street environment and maintain the unique character of each neighborhood. This environment supports social connection amongst residents and is appropriately scaled to support more sustainable forms of travel like walking.
A Central Gathering Place
The Town Center is the heart of the redeveloped Stapleton. A traditional retail "main street" anchors the green space at one end, while a landscaped residential boulevard marks the other. A variety of higher-density, mixed-use residential buildings are located nearby, as well as small shops, and a major new grocery store to fulfill residents’ needs.
A Variety of Styles and Land Uses
The Stapleton development features a wide variety of architectural styles and treatments, from traditional to contemporary. Architectural styles take their cues from the local vernacular, and new neighborhoods follow the traditions of Denver’s historic residential and commercial districts. New neighborhoods at Stapleton are enhanced by a wide variety of complementary land uses, including open space, civic (including elementary, middle and high schools) and recreational facilities, and residential buildings of all types.